The Memorial Centre of Homeland War Vukovar - MCDR Vukovar


The Memorial Centre of Homeland War Vukovar
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The Memorial Centre of Homeland War Vukovar is located in the premises of the former Barracks of the 204th Vukovar Brigade.
It is a place that represents a central point of unification of all activities, sites and organizations that keep the memory of the Homeland War and the tragedy of Vukovar.

The visitors can visit several exhibitions:
The exhibition “The Memory of the Homeland war- The Battle of Vukovar“
The reconstruction of  Serbian concentration camps “Stajicevo“ and “Begejci“
The outdoor exhibits
The simulation of battlefield “Brigade Reinforced in Defense“


Mon – Sun: 9h – 17h

Working hours on National Statehood Day, May 30, 2024: 9:00 to 17:00.


Free admission.


Battlefield Simulation

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